The Doubly Gifted Committee and Waverley Library named this lecture series on jazz the Bell Jazz Lectures, in honour of Graeme Bell's outstanding contribution to jazz in Australia and abroad over the previous 50 years. He was an outstanding pianist, excellent band leader, and composer of note, who died on June 13, 2012. Graeme was also a talented artist who exhibited in the Doubly Gifted exhibitions of visual art works by jazz musicians, as well as contributing to other exhibitions. The series began in 1993 and concluded in 2014. Read these lectures also at
Bill Haesler
by Bill Haesler
Tenth annual Bell Jazz Lecture delivered September 14, 2002 at Waverley Library
No one envisaged in 1946, when the first Australian Jazz Convention was being planned, that it would survive more than a few years. In fact, research reveals that it was intended as a one off event, a post-World War II reunion and jam session for jazz musicians from all over Australia. The success of the first Convention demanded a second, then a third, after which the annual late-December celebration was taken for granted...
Len Barnard Photo Courtesy Australian Jazz Museum
by Len Barnard
Eleventh Annual Bell Jazz Lecture delivered September 20, 2003 at Waverley Library
This will be an extremely random collection of memories and opinions. I don't expect everyone to agree with me on all my observations, although I have the usual wistful hopes. First, a quote from Bing Crosby near the end of his life: I think popular music in this country is one of the few things in the twentieth century that have made giant strides in reverse. I'll try and enlarge on that as we go along…
John Morrison
by John Morrison
Twelfth Annual Bell Jazz Lecture delivered September 18, 2004 at Waverley Library
A wise man once said to me that "real" fun could be described as getting paid for something you love doing. I told him "I have a problem. There were two things in my life that I get paid for that I love with a passion". His response was, "You call that a problem? I would call that SERIOUS FUN…”