This section includes essays on various jazz subjects, written by a number of writers. Contributions are welcome. Writers interested in contributing are welcome to contact the editor by filling out the form in the CONTACT tab. Photographs to illustrate those essays are welcome. Readers can click on the INDEX button for a list of articles in this folder.
Aviva Endean
by Ian Muldoon
August 4, 2023
Music is performed in a context. A classical recital of piano works I recently attended had all the formality of ritual, in a large hall, with raised platform, most patrons “dressed up”, the pianist in black tie and patent leather shoes. The music was lacklustre and did no great service to Brahms or Beethoven. Another solo performance I attended had a young woman in a beanie, casual pants and socks and played an hour of music that had me in tears. It was the most profound, emotionally powerful, engaging, intellectually stimulating, music I had witnessed live in years. No ritual. Direct audience connection. A humble and warm and gentle and open connection with all present, not just the coterie of mainly female young supporters in attendance. It was Ms Aviva Endean, to my mind and heart, one of the great artists I have heard in my lifetime…
Onions, circa 1975
by Sylvan (Schmoe) Elhay
November 27, 2022
In order to be as faithful as possible to the history of the band, earlier this year I interviewed Freddie Payne, Grahame Conlon, Dean Birbeck and Geoff Kluke by Zoom. I love these guys to bits and always have but trying to extract meaningful information from these miscreants is a Himalayan challenge so I hope I’ll be forgiven if factual errors have bypassed my BS-detectors and crept into the text. Of course, if they have it’s entirely their fault and not mine. The core of the band Onions was Freddy Payne on trumpet, Grahame Conlon on guitar, Geoff Kluke on bass, Dean Birbeck on drums and yours truly on tenor saxophone…
Jordan Murray
by Ian Muldoon
August 13, 2023
You know those days when a thing, some idea or event or object or image, appears in your head and won’t say no? It comes Out Of Nowhere (Heyman/Green) and it does Linger Awhile (Rose/Owens). With songs it’s called an earworm but with jazz instruments? With me right now it’s the trombone. For instance I’m at an album launch of Mat Jodrell’s Grateful (Nicholas Records) 2019 with Jodrell, trumpet; Carl Mackey, saxophone; Jordan Murray, trombone; Andrea Keller, piano (sitting in for Miki Yamanaka); Sam Anning, double bass; and Ben Vanderwal, drum set (sitting in for Jimmy Macbride). This group is afire and cooking and in the pocket this Monday mid-winter night in suburban Brunswick July 17, 2023 and the place is packed…